SEC 17a-3 and 17a-4
SEC 17a-3 and 17a-4 WORM archive requirements apply to all Defined Exchange Members
The KOMpliance software allows Exchange members to meet their "WORM" Write-Once storage requirements for preserving specified electronic records in a non-rewriteable, non-erasable format that also permits easy retrieval and viewing.
KOMpliance is the perfect solution to address the stringent data archive mandates with minimal effort, levergaing the organizations own intfrastructure (Storage, Servers and Virtual Machines) in any configuration on-premise, co-location or in the cloud. There is no need to deploy expensive proprietary hardware or be held hostage to a vendor lock. KOMpliance is easy to deploy, manage and use leveraging existing adminsitarive talent, knowledge and processes. Users and applications that can access and use a file server can readily adopt KOMpliance to secure, protect and preserve their files, documents, records and images.
KOMpliance provides the security and the protection organizations need to safeguard their structured and unstructred data regardless whether it is regulated or not. It is hardware-agnostic and can be readily deplyed on a any Windows instance (physical or virtual).